Call for Papers

We invite the control engineering community to submit a paper or a Session Proposal to the the 16th APCA International Conference on Automatic Control and Soft Computing (CONTROLO 2024), to be held in Porto, Portugal, from 17 to 19 July 2024. The contribution can be in the form of a submitted paper to be included in a Regular Session or a Special Session proposal.

Download the Call for Papers PDF version here.

Regular sessions are within the scope of the following topics:

  • Control Systems;
  • Automation and Robotics;
  • Soft-Computing.

To enhance the technical program and focus on specific topics and areas, CONTROLO 2024 will include Special Sessions in addition to regular ones.
The working language of the conference is English.

The submission of papers will be done on the Easychair platform. Please access this<< link >> to log in, enter as an author, select the CONTROLO2024 Main Track, or one of the Special Sessions, and submit your work. The proceedings of CONTROLO 2024 will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes on Electrical Engineering, which are abstracted and indexed by the major databases (DBLP, EI Compendex, INSPEC, Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST), SCImago, SCOPUS, WTI Frankfurt eG, zbMATH).

Author Guidelines

Manuscripts should be written in English with a paper length of 10 pages (max.), including figures and tables. Up to two (2) additional pages can be accepted. Authors must adhere to the written format of the conference proceedings. Further details are in the “Information for Authors of Springer Proceedings” here. Latex and Word templates and an eBook sample can be found on the same site here.