
All conference attendees must register.
To register, please fill out and submit the REGISTRATION FORM (here).
The registration fees for CONTROLO 2024 are:

Member of APCA (full fee) 400.00 € 500.00 €
Member of APCA (student fee) 220.00 € 320.00 €
Member of Partner organization 450.00 € 550.00 €
Member of Partner organization (student fee) 270.00 € 370.00 €
All others (full fee) 500.00 € 600.00 €
All others (student or retiree fee) 300.00 € 400.00 €
Accompanying person 100.00 € 200.00 €
Additional Paper Fee 150.00 € 150.00 €

The conference registration fee must be paid in EURO through wire transfer or credit card. Expenses associated with the transfer will be paid by the authors.

Authors’ registration date – please check the important dates here

Each accepted paper(s) requires at least one full-fee registration to be included in the conference program and in the conference proceedings.

A full registration allows the submission of up to 2 accepted papers, with an additional fee of 150 Euros for the second paper.

If at the time of registration or at the time of initial submission of paper for review you were a “full-time student” at a recognized institution, you may register at Student rate. You may be required to provide evidence of full-time student status. The following documentation is required: copy of the student card or formal letterhead documentation with supervisor name.

To apply for the APCA/Partner fee, proof of up-to-date membership is required.

The Partner institutions are:

  • IFAC – International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC affiliate information link)
  • CEA (Comité Español de Automática);
  • SBA (Sociedade Brasileira de Automática);
  • SPR (Sociedade Portuguesa de Robótica);
  • SPEE (Sociedade Portuguesa de para a Educação em Engenharia);
  • ISA Portugal Section.

A full or student registration fee includes:

  • Attendance to all conference sessions;
  • Full set of conference materials;
  • Lunches and coffee breaks;
  • Welcome reception.

A full registration fee also includes:

  • Gala dinner.

Accompanying person registration fee includes:

  • Welcome Reception;
  • Gala dinner.

The Registration Desk is situated in a dedicated area at the conference venue.

All conference participants must complete the registration process. Personal badges will be provided for the identification of registered participants. Material pickup for those who have pre-registered and on-site registration services are available at the Registration Desk, which will be open from the afternoon of Tuesday, July 16, 2024, until the morning of Friday, July 19, 2024.

The operating hours of the Registration Desk are as follows:

  • Tuesday, July 16: 2:30 pm – 6:00 pm
  • Wednesday, July 17: 8:30 am – 6:00 pm
  • Thursday, July 18: 8:30 am – 6:00 pm
  • Friday, July 19: 8:30 am – 12:00 pm

On-site registration payments will incur an additional fee of 50 euros.

Liability and Insurance: The conference fee does not include insurance of any kind. Participants are strongly recommended to purchase their insurance in their country of origin. Conference Secretariat and Organizing Institutions cannot take any responsibility whatsoever for injury or damage to persons or property during the meeting.

Refunds: If an author has uploaded a paper using the registration, the registration will not be refunded, even if the paper is withdrawn. Those who pre-register without uploading any paper and later find they cannot attend the conference may request a refund of the advance registration fee(s).

Requests made until May 3, 2024: For requests received before the Early Registration deadline, a 90% refund will be issued.

Requests between May 4 and July 16, 2024: Requests received during this period are eligible for a 50% refund.

Force Majeure: Unexpected conference cancellation. The organizing committee reserves the right to cancel CONTROLO 2024 without prior notice or compensation in cases of force majeure, including but not limited to natural events such as fire, earthquake, hurricane, flood, terrorist attacks, etc. In such situations, the event organizers are absolved of all responsibility.

If it becomes impossible to hold CONTROLO 2024 due to force majeure, and this arises from a cause not attributable to the organizing committee, the committee is only obligated to reimburse payments received, subject to deductions for any costs incurred in preparing the event. This liability extends solely to payments made directly to CONTROLO 2024 and does not cover payments made by participants to hotels, airlines, or other services.